Foot & Ankle Injuries

If you think about the size of your feet and ankles compared with the massive duties they perform in providing support, mobility, and balance, it’s little wonder that these areas are susceptible to trauma. At Virginia Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates, foot specialist Joseph R. Disabato, DPM, helps patients get back on their feet again after foot and ankle traumas of all kinds. To find out more, call our location in Charlottesville, Virginia, or use the online scheduling tool to set up an appointment.

Foot & Ankle Injuries Q & A

What are the anatomies of the foot and ankle?

Your foot and ankle contain:

  • 26 bones
  • 100 muscles, ligaments, and tendons
  • 33 joints

Multiply this by two, and your feet and ankles contain a full quarter of the total number of bones in your body, which means there’s plenty of opportunity for trauma.

What are the most common causes of foot and ankle trauma?

By their very nature, your feet and ankles are on the move a lot of the time, and their task is no easy one. These small areas are responsible for supporting your entire body and providing mobility and balance. In these roles, they’re prone to injuries, such as:

  • Fractures
  • Sprains
  • Achilles tendon ruptures
  • Ligament pulls or tears

Far and away, the most common trauma in this group is ankle sprains — a whopping 25,000 each day in the United States.

When should I see a doctor after foot or ankle trauma?

Any time you injure your foot or ankle, you should first apply the RICE treatment:

  • Rest
  • Ice
  • Compression
  • Elevation

If the swelling and pain in your foot or ankle don’t respond well after 24 hours of this method, or if the injury gets worse, it’s time to see one of the foot specialists at Virginia Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates.

Please note that if your fracture is visible or you’re in moderate-to-severe pain, you should make your appointment sooner rather than later. In extreme cases where your bone is sticking out and you’re bleeding, go to your nearest emergency room straight away.

How are foot and ankle traumas treated?

When you first come to one of the two Virginia Foot & Ankle locations, your doctor reviews your symptoms, performs a physical exam, and orders advanced imaging to take a good look at what’s going on inside.

Once they have a better idea about your foot or ankle trauma, they come up with an appropriate treatment plan, which may include:

  • Wrapping
  • Bracing or splinting
  • Boots
  • Crutches for non-weight-bearing injuries
  • Surgical repair

Your doctor typically starts out conservatively, but if your foot or ankle needs surgical repair, rest assured you’re in good hands at Virginia Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates.

For more information on foot and ankle injuries, call Virginia Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates in Charlottesville, VA at (434) 977-8040 or use the online scheduling tool.

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